Saturday, March 24, 2007

Heading out for Roger's Pass

Not too much ski touring this winter. I toured up to the snowcat early in the season, toured into Yurtopia Yurt before Christmas and did a run down Wildhorse Peak before the catskiing season opened up. Stewart Spooner invited me to join him and Andrew Gross on a tour from Roger's Pass to Mica Creek. Should be interesting. We are heading out on April 2nd and hope to complete the minimum of 100 miles and countless thousands of feet of vertical in a couple of days - maybe two weeks. Dan Morton heard this and said "I'd love to do that tour". He's coming too. The tour starts from Roger's Pass and cruises through terrain used by Sorceror Lodge, Selkirk Mountain Experience, Selkirk Tangiers Heli Skiing, Fairy Meadows CAC Hut and CMH Heliskiing. I hope it stops raining.
Picture is of Nordic Mountain in the vicinity of Sorceror Lodge

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